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Showing posts from May, 2020


T his time - around my [virtual] oval kitchen table - the topics went everywhere, but the common thread that emerged was awareness...Only when and 'if' we're aware of something can we embrace or change or avoid a specific something . No less passionate, I nevertheless listened to each contributor for several minutes not willing to either comment or ask a question - cause each of these people were on fire !  What did it take to get the kitchen-table players so worked up? Well - for starters we've been pretty well confined to our houses for the last two months - with a significantly reduced ration of our usual morning coffee and doughnuts. The doughnuts have been reduced because the morning [fitness] walks have been reduced. The morning fitness walks have been reduced because the last few weeks in Arizona have been hot - around 90F even at 7AM...! Regardless, with less caffeine and sugar to jump start aging brain cells - one of our playhouse contributors wonder...


Around my [virtual] kitchen table, lately - not unlike King Arthur's Camelot with 'knights' of the round table - we continue to appear via Skype... "We" the opinionated 21st Century 'knights' - who retired to this Arizona 55+ community - are not members of Tom Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation" we are their offspring, known statistically as "The Baby Boomers". Boomer-Babies began arriving in 1946 when Truman was President [after men returned from WWII and women returned from factories] then continued to arrive at the rate of 4+M a year for eighteen years until 1964, when Lindon Johnson became President. In total 76,000,000 million Boomers invaded this nation causing an an explosion of schools and housing construction through the 50s, 60s and 70s. [Are we still relevant? Well, as of 2019 - 71,200,000M of us were alive and continuing to take up a lot of space.] We remember when President John F. Kennedy was assassina...


For this 'kitchen-table-topic' I sincerely hope you're sitting down... Our virtual debate via technology sent me searching in many directions for answers - still illusive - but ohhh, so worthwhile to highlight. Is America the greatest country in the world? Absolutely not - it's deteriorating! America does have the greatest PR machine and Main Street voters continue to buy into a vast mass marketing program from every state and federal politician - working diligently to keep the following realities as quiet as possible. In this 2020 Election Year - armed with even a little extra information voters can ask serious targeted questions and insist on answers this time - not [budget] excuses, which are just that. IT IS the people living on Main Street America who make America great!  Our overall leadership - 'not' so much... Main Street functions with a practical, logical, straightforward approach - while [most] politicians do-not. Trump attempted to ...