T his time - around my [virtual] oval kitchen table - the topics went everywhere, but the common thread that emerged was awareness...Only when and 'if' we're aware of something can we embrace or change or avoid a specific something . No less passionate, I nevertheless listened to each contributor for several minutes not willing to either comment or ask a question - cause each of these people were on fire ! What did it take to get the kitchen-table players so worked up? Well - for starters we've been pretty well confined to our houses for the last two months - with a significantly reduced ration of our usual morning coffee and doughnuts. The doughnuts have been reduced because the morning [fitness] walks have been reduced. The morning fitness walks have been reduced because the last few weeks in Arizona have been hot - around 90F even at 7AM...! Regardless, with less caffeine and sugar to jump start aging brain cells - one of our playhouse contributors wonder...
Researched timely topics...